“For the dead and the living, we must bear witness.” Elie Wiesel


By Adrienne Holguin on July 16, 2016 Out of the 30 original Holocaust survivors who resettled in El Paso several decades ago, just a handful remains alive. As these survivors reach the end of their lives, many wonder how future …


Corey Samuels traveled to Washington, D.C., to honor her late grandfather, who survived Nazi death camps By Pam Kragen | 4:29 p.m. July 12, 2016 CARDIFF — For the last 40 years of his life, Henry Oertelt dedicated his life to …


By Andrew Hasbun PHOENIX (KSAZ) – It was an unimaginable horror, millions of people killed during the Holocaust. Some lived including a woman who now lives in Phoenix, who survived the Nazi’s most notorious death camp, Auschwitz. Magda Willinger remembers …


By Bernard Avishai July 4, 2016   Elie Wiesel, who died on Saturday, wrote fifty-seven books, yet the obituaries and tributes refer to him more consistently as a witness than a writer. His moral authority, which he earned and sought, …


Esther Allweiss Ingber | Contributing Writer Detroit Jewish News Children of Holocaust survivors (2Gs) gradually become aware of having “different” families. Their European-born parents exhibit varying degrees of trauma. As young adults, the 2Gs began forming organizations for themselves. The …


Like many powerful Holocaust documentaries, “Names, Not Numbers” features emotional first-hand testimonies from aging survivors who somehow managed to live through the horrors of genocide when many of their loved ones did not. The inhumanity and cruelty they recount are …


By JANE KIEL \05/15/2016 15:42 This week in Israel, we recited these words,  “NEVER AGAIN, WE WILL NEVER FORGET!”    As I approached Yad Vashem for the State’s opening ceremony of the Holocaust Martyr’s and Heroes’ Remembrance Day, I kept saying …


By NewsGram NewsDesk2 – May 23, 2016 On the onset of World War II, many Jewish refugees and residents applied for exit visas via Japan to escape the genocide. Coming just two decades after the last great global conflict, the …


McDonald’s heartfelt concern for the Jewish people extended into the postwar period. We’ve all heard plenty about US government officials who turned a blind eye during the Holocaust. But this year’s Independence Day, Israelis will hear the little-known story of …


By Caitlin Gibson May 2 Abram Belz (left) and his younger brother, Chaim Belzhitsky. (Courtesy Jess Katz) The five women crowded together around the kitchen table in New Jersey, their eyes fixed on a laptop screen. It was 7 a.m., …


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