“For the dead and the living, we must bear witness.” Elie Wiesel

Light the Light

It is better to light a candle than curse the darkness

Image result for candle flame kristallnacht

Seventy-Eighth Anniversary of Kristallnacht
November 9, 1938 – November 9, 2016

Wednesday, November 9, 2016, is the 78th anniversary of Kristallnacht. You can mark the moment by lighting a Yahrzeit candle on Sunday evening and placing it in your window. The burning light in your window will last for 24 hours and will

  • Serve as a reminder of this dark moment in our history
  • Serve as a reminder of those few brave souls who stepped forward to help
    our fellow Jews in this moment of darkness
  • Serve as a reminder of our commitment as Jews to help shine a light in
    those dark places in the world where our fellow human beings are
    suffering or are in pain

For more about Kristallnacht including photos and eyewitness descriptions go to




Blessed is the match consumed in kindling flame.
Blessed is the flame that burns in the secret fastness of the heart.
Blessed is the heart with strength to stop its beating for honor’s sake.
Blessed is the match consumed in kindling flame.

Hannah Senesh

Copyright; November, 2016 Mitchell A. Lewis



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