“For the dead and the living, we must bear witness.” Elie Wiesel


Justice Five Things We Can Learn From Survivors of the Holocaust There are approximately 500,000 Holocaust survivors still alive. About 100,000 of them live in the United States. As they continue to age, we risk losing their stories. Holocaust survivors are living …


Naval Academy to honor Holocaust survivor for work with midshipmen Holocaust survivor Nesse Godin, of Silver Spring, holds a photo of her family as she tells the story of their extermination in the Holocaust at Congregation Kol Shalom in Annapolis. …


Cardiff woman honors Holocaust heritage Cardiff resident Corey Samuels (right) meets June 27 with a curator at the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington, D.C. (Courtesy photo) Pam KragenContact Reporter For the last 40 years of his life, Henry Oertelt …


September 20, 2016 Art exhibit on display at Luther College Oct. 21-Dec. 5 When memorializing a horrific event in history, it is often difficult to see beyond the defining darkness and tragedy. Yet it is often within the context of …


October 18, 20164:42 AM ET Heard on Morning Edition Nazi officials were prosecuted at the Nuremberg trials in Germany from 1945-49. American Benjamin Ferencz, who was 27 and serving as a prosecutor for the first time, won convictions against all …


In collaboration with multiple organizations, including the Thaler Foundation and Coe College, the National Czech & Slovak Museum & Library will host Gideon Frieder, a speaker from the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum’s Survivor Speakers’ Bureau to speak of his …


In the autumn of 1941, one the gravest atrocities of the 20th century unfolded in a ragged ravine on the outskirts of Nazi-occupied Kyiv. The massacre of 33,771 Jews on September 29-30, 1941, at Babi Yar was an early example …


The infamous Baba Yar massacre took place on September 29-30, 1941, in a ravine outside the city of Kiev in the Ukraine. Over 33,000 Jewish men, women and children were murdered in the space of 48 hours by the Einsatzgruppen …


By PAUL WIEDER Associate Editor Hillel C. Neuer of UN Watch delivers the keynote speech at the Jewish Federation Annual Meeting. (Photo by Robert F. Kusel) A year of challenges, solutions and celebration of an abiding commitment to Israel and …


By: Saul Jay Singer Published: September 15th, 2016   Frank Lloyd Wright (1867-1959), who designed more than 1,000 structures and is widely recognized as the most influential architect of all time, was also an interior designer, writer, and educator. He …


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